Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Clouds, The Daisies and Him.

I am still waiting for him- whoever that may be- to walk into my bubble of life. The one who is able to paste an eternal smile to my face and who will make my heart melt. And hold my hand in his like he will never let go. And look at me like he will never set eyes on anything else. And we can lye there in that same spot... in the park... in the thick blanket of crisp white daisies and stare up at the clouds. And it will be that precious moment all over again. Except this time it won't be Daisies, Clouds and I- it will be Daisies, Clouds and Him.
In a white bubble of pure love.

The Clouds, The Daisies and I.

Daisies are like sunshine on the ground. And I like the idea of a fallen sun...
I often wish you could save moments, and keep them in your pocket for later. This blog somehow emerged today from a moment that I suddenly felt as being very special- and somehow precious.
I was laying alone in the park in a thick blanket of crisp, white, beautiful daisies- and staring up at the clouds. And I was wondering if there was someone lying in the clouds and staring back at me!
Just me... the clouds... and the daisies- it felt as if I were in a pure white bubble of pure lovliness.