Tuesday 10 January 2012

under the same sky, dreaming the same dream.

I don't believe in physical ugliness, I think there's something beautiful in everyone.And im not really sure about inner beauty either. Everyone always says that its the inner beauty that counts but if they told me I was ugly but it didnt matter because I was beautiful inside, I would eat them. 
If you really think something is beautiful, you dont notice its physical beauty anyway. Both these things are beautiful to me.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Unwilted Roses in the Frost.

It happened again. We all have that 'after Christmas' feeling now, sitting a nest of shredded wrapping paper and dried up Christmas tree pins. Now its just winter without Christmas, and we have to forget the Christmas carols and trees and crackers and presents for another year.
Still, the days are getting longer and the roses are still out, bright and full in the greyness of London. I can still take walks in the bitter wind with my runny nose and fur lined jacket, and then get home and make fluffy cupcakes with pink icing. And i can still use three duvets and bury myself in cushions.
I didn't have any New Years resolutions, even though I probably should have had. I think I just want to have fun this year, and embrace every moment.